Trauma Heals
By: Cynthia Rose Young Schlosser
Published: August 2010
Feelings are compressed information, much like a zip file on a computer. Opening this zip file is equivalent to the act of flowing, of accepting any feeling and paying attention to it as it flows through you. Feelings will heal themselves, just as the body heals itself when it is wounded and not feeling good. Surprisingly, this does not take much time. Feelings are our life force, the divine intelligence expressing through the Alpha brainwave energy of expanded awareness, an important gateway to the higher self.
Your feelings express themselves as anger, control, depression, and acting out in many negative ways, and the body is begging to heal these negative emotions as much as you want them to. Feelings want to feel good. We often ask, “How do you feel ?” and the answer should be, "I feel great!” and mean it. Feeling good is our natural state: to be dancing with joy, radiating light, vibrant with life, and heart busting with love. Feeling good is a sure sign of appropriately following inner guidance of the higher self.
Why do our higher selves allow us to suffer? What purpose does this suffering serve? Working with wounded feelings, amazing amounts of information from the higher self opens up... expanding wisdom, compassion, empowerment and the desire to love.
Facilitating healing for any unique individual trauma can focus negative beliefs and the reality that came from that negative experience, then once integrating positive beliefs from that same experience, the original visual images of the trauma can change from a negative to a positive.
Remember, a memory is made up of three things, and all three of these must change for the healing to be permanent: 1-visual images, 2- feelings, 3- thoughts or beliefs that came from going through the original wounding experience as your reality now.
Trauma-Clearing techniques will teach about feelings, where they reside in the body when we are not aware of them, and what to do with them when they come into our awareness day to day.
Feelings cannot be willed away, or forced to change through intellectualization or medication. Feelings change themselves. They change themselves naturally when they are allowed to flow in an atmosphere of empathy and acceptance once you learn to effectively communicate with a deep awareness of your senses, thoughts, feelings, intentions and actions.
Instructions on creating intimacy for a romantic or married couple, a friendship or business partnership, or deep emotional flowing between members of a family can also be helped knowing and using these modalities.
Participants will learn ground rules for dealing with triggered feelings. A trigger is any provocative stimulus which automatically sets off an alarm reaction in a person, and it is a sudden, disturbing conditioned reflex which occurs immediately upon perception of the trigger, with or without conscious awareness of it, sometimes provoking a flashback, combat memory or angry outburst.
With this trauma healing process, we learn a systematic, self-empowering healing process with precise steps and stages that can be taught to completely transform a trauma at every level in one session. The resulting radical change in consciousness is permanent and often reawakens strong identification with one's "God Self”.
This workshop will be based on the original writings of the late Dr. Michael Schlosser, head of the PTSD clinic at the VA Hospital in Tuskegee, Alabama. Michael and his wife Cynthia led workshops together for many years teaching the civilian population what he had been proving to the combat vets with PTSD. Dr. Schlosser was a loving, caring man that had found a way to self empower vets, showed them how to clear a trauma completely, to go from, in his words, "hell to heaven in one session".
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