FORGIVENESS is not something
we do for OTHER PEOPLE;
We do it for ourselves
Excerpt from a blog entry by Kym Kennedy To read the complete article click here -
What exactly is love? M. Scott Peck author of The Road Less Traveled says that love is "The will to extend one's self for the purpose of nurturing one's own or another's spiritual growth". One of’s 18 definitions says it is "affectionate concern for the well-being of others". Gary Chapman, author of "The Five Languages of Love says "While love is a many-splendored thing, it is sometimes a very confusing thing, too. And as people come in all varieties, shapes, and sizes, so do their choices of personal expressions of love. More often than not, the giver and the receiver each express love in different ways. That can lead to misunderstanding, quarrels, and even divorce." He goes on to say"Learn to speak and understand your mate's love language, and in no time you will be able to effectively love and truly feel loved in return."
All of them imply that love is about uplifting one’s spirit. We need to learn to do that for God, ourselves and others. So what are some ways we can do that daily... moment by moment?
Regarding us - we can stop criticizing ourselves - You know that little voice in your head that constantly nags you? Stop her! Stop him! Stop them in their tracks! Thank them for sharing and then reframe the conversation - think about all the good that you have going for you. Talk about that good to yourself. Admire yourself, honor yourself, respect and appreciate yourself. Do it daily - look yourself in the eyes and say how you love yourself.
Part of why we have difficulty loving others is because on some subconscious level we probably ask, "How can I love them when I can’t love me? How is it that they are more deserving than me?" Well they aren’t any more deserving but they also aren’t any less deserving. We are all - ALL - deserving of love no matter what we have done in the past. LOVE YOURSELF!!
What can we do regarding others? Forgive them. I don’t care what they did - Forgive them. How many times? Our teacher, Elder Brother and Way Shower, Jesus the Christ said that we should forgive 70 times 7. That sounds like a lot! That sounds like, um, as many times as it takes!
Forgive your mother, forgive your father, forgive your siblings, forgive your past lovers, forgive your current lovers. Forgive the neighbor who doesn’t pick up their dog droppings. Forgive the teacher that embarrassed you in the third grade, forgive the woman that walked out on you and the car dealer that sold you a lemon as well as the parent that didn’t respect your decision making even as an adult.
Make a list of a minimum of 70 people that you need to forgive and do it. I highly recommend you use the free tools of Radical Forgiveness to do this work.
Once you have really (and radically) forgiven that many people, Imagine how much stuck energy you will be releasing from your mind and body, freeing you up to give and receive more and more love instead of being clogged and bogged down with old grudges and heartbreaks. Do this every time you find yourself triggered by someone, or embroiled in a conflict of any sort. Remember that the Law of Attraction says that you attract what you focus on so focus on forgiveness and you will automatically be focusing on love and attracting more of it into your life.
Uplift someone. It may sound trite, but be nice to strangers. Make it your mission to be the light in everyone you meet’s day. At the checkout counter I always make sure that I share a smile, or a little joke to spread a little love their way especially the grouchy ones. Send love to the person honking the car behind you. They will feel it energetically. We know that thoughts are things. If you can stomach the news, which I only occasionally can, send prayers and love to the T.V. set as you watch the horror that is going on around the world. Every thought you create affects every atom on the planet.
Speak to children. Children are often some of the most ignored people on the planet, especially teens. No matter whether their hair is blue or their pants are falling off - speak to the children and send them love. They are our future and we really do need to let them know we support them as they go through this awkward phase of life. Do you remember how awkward it was being a teen? Give them your love.
Almost done. There are certainly more things I am sure you will think of on your own but here are a final few. Show appreciation. Give folks verbal conscious words of appreciation. Certainly do it for your family, but also for the people you interact with daily. Tell the cleaner’s clerk that you appreciate the prompt attention you get every time you come in. Tell the nail lady that you appreciate her attention to detail with your nails. Tell your kid’s teacher how you appreciate their work with your kids. Go on an appreciation mission - seeking all the good things that are going on around you and offer conscious words of appreciation. There is power in our words. That also goes for the trees and the cars and furniture too! We are all made of vibrating energy and not just the people, plants and pets pick up on the love we send.
Finally, go on a no complaint diet. Refuse to complain about anything to anyone. All things are in divine order and resisting what is is one of the #1 ways we move out of a space of love. Work on accepting all situations and find the lesson and love the opportunity to rise again in consciousness. You do know that we need not stay in circumstances that are hurtful or causing us distress. Yet the more we focus on love, the more love is attracted to us, and the fewer such unpleasant situations will show up. As you send love out to your world it will vibrate out to the rest of the world. When you love 100 people and they love 100 people, one day we’ll have a critical mass of love sweeping the planet and it really will make the world go around!