Nov 6, 2010

Rich Dad Cashflow 101 board game (with CD's)

Rich Dad Cashflow 101 board game (with CD's)

The Board Game USA Today Calls "Monopoly on Steroids".

It’s Time to Get Out of the Rat Race.

What’s your dream? Freedom of time? Unlimited resources to travel the world? Whatever it may be, CASHFLOW 101 teaches you how to get out of the Rat Race and onto the Fast Track, how to make your money work for you D not the other way around.

CASHFLOW 101 is an educational board game that simulates real life financial strategies and situations. As a simulation, you learn valuable lessons and gain priceless insights into personal finance and investing without having to put your actual money at risk.

Developed by Robert Kiyosaki, author of the #1 personal finance book of all time, Rich Dad Poor Dad, CASHFLOW 101 is the ultimate realization of Robert’s vision of an interactive tool for financial education, and the fulfillment of his belief that we learn best by doing.

With CASHFLOW 101 you:

  • Practice real world investing with play money
  • Learn the differences between an asset and a liability
  • Discover the power of understanding your personal financial statement
  • Plan your strategy with Opportunity Cards that include Big and Small Deals
  • Choose your dream, learn the secrets of the rich, and get on the financial fast track.

CASHFLOW 101 is an educational board game that teaches accounting, finance, and investing at the same time - and makes learning fun!

CASHFLOW 101, includes:

  • The board game CASHFLOW 101
  • Three CDs which reveal the lessons of CASHFLOW 101

CASHFLOW 101 is recommended for ages 14 and up.

Price: $195.00

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The complete guide to live free of yeast

The complete guide to live free of yeast is an eBook that describes all symptoms and causes of Gigantism of yeast in a human body. The eBook contains a step-by-step process to eliminate the yeasts and foods to eat to symptom to live free.

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Smarthome SwitchLinc Relay INSTEON Remote Control On/Off Switch Non-Dimming

Eight video cassettes describe the options trading business and the various tools for getting the most out of the opportunities that may present themselves to you. The subjects include the basics, spreads and backspreads, markets, strategies and finding the best trades.


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Which Home Based Business?

This e-book (& the workbook) is designed to help you discover which ISAN home based business are right for you. Written by Business Coach, Tracey Leak, this e-book can help you discover the home based business that could change your life!

Check it out!

Venice, Italy our last day

The server was unable to process the request due to an internal error. For more information about the error, either turn on IncludeExceptionDetailInFaults (either from ServiceBehaviorAttribute or from the configuration behavior) on the server in order to send the exception information back to the client, or turn on tracing as per the Microsoft .NET Framework 3.0 SDK documentation and inspect the server trace logs.

Notre derniere journee a Venise en Italie a commence comme les autres par avoir le petit dejeuner a l'hotel et de se preparer pour la journee. Nous avions prevu de prendre le bus de l'eau a Murano pour une bonne partie de la matinee en debut d'apres-midi voient un des monuments qui etait proche de notre hotel et a ete effectivement dans le canal de la gare.

Il s'est avere que nous probablement devrions ont vu ce spectacle tout d'abord parce qu'avec tout ce qui s'est passe ce jour nous jamais il. Aujourd'hui a ete le seul jour a Venise, ce qui n'etait pas parfait comme temps et que nous avons quitte l'hotel il y avait une legere bruine redescendre. Nous etions a la tete de la gare, qui etait d'environ a 10 minutes de marche a l'un des quatre arrets de bus de l'eau a Venise qui avait des bateaux a Murano. Lorsque nous sommes arrives il nous avons ete surpris pour trouver le service de bus de l'eau en greve la veille et courait seul service limite.Nous avons trouve la-bas etait l'un eau arret de bus a l'extremite nord de le ile qui etait encore en cours d'execution et de prendre les gens de Murano, mais cet arret a ete environ une minute 45 marche de notre hotel maintenant rendant presque une heure il d'ou nous etions.

Croit que c'est un inconvenient la marche s'est averee etre grand et il s'agissait de la journee, que nous avons decouvert qu'il y a plus de 400 eglises a Venise.Ainsi, sur notre marche de l'autre cote de la Venise nous cueillis a environ 5 eglises de voir sur notre chemin du retour. Une fois que nous sommes arrives a l'arret de bus de l'eau que nous avons decouvert nous avions rate le bateau par environ 5 minutes et un n'a pas laisser pendant environ 45 minutes.

Une des eglises nous voulions voir sur notre mode dos a ete seulement un bloc de l'arret de bus de l'eau, donc nous avons decide de le voir alors que nous etions en attente. Cette eglise comme la plupart de Venise ne chercher quelque chose comme une eglise de l'exterieur, il ressemblait a un d'autre grand l'edifice sur le ile mais une fois a l'interieur etait l'un de la plus belle a Venise avec de nombreuses statues et peintures a regarder avec les plafonds merveilleusement ornes que toutes les autres eglises avait ainsi.

Apres que nous avons finis dans l'eglise nous dirige vers l'arret de bus de l'eau et sur le bateau et dirige a Murano, il prend environ une moitie d'une heure pour s'y rendre, mais a ete une promenade agreable. Nous voulions voir autant du verre d'art qui a ete faite sur Murano nous pourrait et a commence a une extremite de le ile et travailler notre mode a l'autre.A la premiere usine de soufflage du verre qu'on nous a mis dans une zone de visualisation agreable avec un groupe d'autres personnes pour une demonstration de soufflage de verre qui est interessant, apres quoi nous a ensuite conduits dans une piece avec beaucoup de souvenirs bon marche souffle de verre.

C'est ou tout le plaisir commence d'entre nous vraiment ce qui signifie pas me fait l'erreur de dire si belle d'entre les lustres etait et avant que je savais qu'il nous avons emmenes un affichage Troene d'une centaine de lustres differents. Ce n'est pas mauvais en soi, mais l'homme vente et je veux vraiment vendeur nous demande de ceux qui nous avons aime et ont commence citant des prix et demandant a celui qui nous voulait acheter. Je continuais a penser que nous fait cet homme pense que j'ai eu un trou dans ma poche pour un lustre de combustion de 10 000 a 15 000 dollars.

Je voulais faire semblant d'aller aux toilettes et laisser la personne responsable de la forte pression de l'homme ventes traitent de la situation, mais j'etais trop peur que je n'aurais pas voyez peut-etre un lustre de 15 mille dollars apparaitre a la maison, mais peut-etre un dollar de 6 000 a 8 000 un serait. Apres que nous avons fui le vendeur et s'est rendu a l'exterieur que nous sorte de RI a ce sujet un peu sur le chemin de l'usine de soufflage du verre prochaine qui etait seulement sur un bloc ou si loin.

Maintenant si je ne savais pas tout mieux je dirais que les verreries travaillaient ensemble parce que nous etions plus pres de l'usine prochaine je ne pouvais pas voir quelqu'un a l'entree de la boutique, mais comme nous etions environ 30 pieds, un homme se manifestent a la porte et lorsque nous etions juste par l'entree nous etions invites a. L'homme a demande que si nous voulions voir une demonstration, meme si nous avons vu un il y a 45 minutes nous dit oui. Il s'agissait d'une demonstration tres differente car nous avons donc vu que peddles ayant trait a une fleur de coup de man pour un lustre fleuri.

Nous avons dit rien mais apres nous avons finis regarder nous etions encore pris pour voir piece apres piece de lustres.Chaque chambre a plus gros et plus chers lustres puis la salle avant, mais ce n'est long avant que le vendeur demandait a qui un nous voulions. Apres que nous avons pu finement echapper a nouveau nous decide ne pas aller dans l'usine prochaine mais d'aller en ville a l'une des galeries et regardez certains verre art.

En entrant dans le magasin, que je pouvais voir il n'y aucune lustres en vue et feutres ne relevee, mais ce n'est long avant une vente femmes presentaient pour nous amener a l'etage superieur du magasin a regarder geant morceaux de verre de l'art. Ils n'etaient pas assez chers, comme les lustres mais non par beaucoup. Etant donne que je n'etait pas en faisant de la parler au peuple vente et n'a pas envie d'aller grace a ce nouveau j'ai fait assurer que j'avait la livre de verification et les cartes de credit et sont alles a descendre les escaliers et attendu a l'exterieur de la Banque. Il semble que j'etais a l'exterieur d'attendre pendant des heures lorsque j'a ete finement vu la moitie de mon mieux sortir de la Banque, mais a ete accueillie avec l'oeil du mal et je leur accueillie avec un grand sourire et rire.

Ce type d'une experience drole mais recommande a d'autres va a Murano a regarder le verre ne pas dire quoi que ce soit juste regarder le verre et hocher la tete votre tete et si vous avez rien dire simplement dire agreable.Puisque nous avons echappe avec succes une autre baratin nous a tente de s'eloigner de grands magasins aussi rapidement que possible et dirige dans la rue pour regarder les autres types de magasins.

Apres recherche de quelques heures, nous avons trouve une place pour un dejeuner de fin et dirige pendant l'arret de bus de l'eau.Il etait maintenant environ 4 h donc au moment ou nous sommes arrives retour a Venise prendrait fin est presque 5.Lentement, nous avons fait notre chemin du retour vers notre hotel regardant de boutiques et de toutes les eglises, que nous avons choisi de voir sur notre facon de Murano.J'ai ete etonne de comment chaque Eglise, nous avons vu etait tellement magnifiquement peints et se demande si tous les plus 400 eglises a Venise etaient telles que celles que nous avons vu.Au moment ou nous sommes arrives a revenir a notre hotel, que c'est vers 6 h 30.Nous avons decide depuis que nous avons laissant sur le train de 8 h a Rome le lendemain matin que nous avions mieux diner et obtenir nos choses pour que le lendemain matin et appeler c'est un soir.Apres avoir passe trois jours a Venise, il est difficile de croire que la plupart des gens passent seulement un jour ici et je recommande fortement si vous avez un vacances de longue projetait de consacrer au moins 3 jours a Venise.

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Worm farming: a green way to earn easy money

Worm farming is clean, green and respectful. And it is so easy that anyone can do it. But what is more: you can earn a considerate amount of money from wormfarming. Domestic waste alone make you worm compost better you can wish for!

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Nov 3, 2010

Join in to Secure Your Position and Make Money

Secure your position at
FREE during our world wide pre launch! Spread the word and profit from everyone that enrolls after you!

A Life under Stars Moon Sun: Join in to Secure Your Position and Make Money

A Life under Stars Moon Sun: Join in to Secure Your Position and Make Money: "Secure your position at FREE during our world wide pre launch! Spread the word and profit from eve..."

Rich Dad Cashflow for Kids

Rich Dad Cashflow for KidsBrand new in factory sealed box

Price: $59.99

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Nov 2, 2010

2010 Silver American Eagle - West Point Mint - Investment Grade Silver Bullion

2010 Silver American Eagle - West Point Mint - Investment Grade Silver BullionThese gorgeous coins are minted at West Point, New York and contain one ounce of 0.999 pure silver. These are legal tender silver dollar coins authorized by the United States government. Makes an excellent (and affordable) gift! This is a preorder sale. Items should be ready for shipment around the time this auction ends. Picture is of a 2010 coin.

The obverse design features Adolph A. Weinman's stunning Walking Liberty design dating back to 1916, with an ever hopeful Liberty striding confidently toward the sunrise, draped in the strength of the Stars and Stripes carrying in her arms branches of laurel and oak to symbolize both civil and military glory. The reverse design, by United States Mint sculptor John Mercanti, features a striking heraldic eagle with shield, and olive branch in the right talon and arrows in the left.


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The truth about trade for a living

What to do 10% of successful traders that the 90% that errors don't do. A must for serious Traders if negotiation for live or not. An approach to "pull punches" based on the lessons learned by merchants of 1000.

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The green paper from the health

The Green Book of Health ... start using natural healing today. Covering over 60 disorders and bring healing through the use of acupressure, acupuncture, reflexology, iridology, home remedies, homeopathic medicine, aromatherapy, essential oils, Magnet/Crystal

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The newest and most DIY energy Guide again! 75% Commission!

This is the best and latest Diy Guide still energy,! The best guide because it includes diagrams best and a great sales page. With 75% Commission, you will make lots of money in this niche very hot.

Check it out!

Nov 1, 2010

Use the library and save money

Using the public library, you can earn a lot of money and can help you to a greener lifestyle. Bibliography is a favourite pastime for many people. But what to do with books, magazines and newspapers once you are finished reading? Do you need to own a copy of a magazine or a book you read once and then throw in the trash? If you want to read, listen to music and watch movies, you can take advantage of all these activities and be respectful of the environment at the same time. How did do you that? Visit your local library on a regular basis. You never stop and think that you could find anything in your local library, what could you be in your local bookstore? In addition to saving money, you will reduce your carbon footprint when you read a book from the library, listen to a CD library or watch a video or a movie that you have checked the library.

Library services

Did you know that you can get a library card free of charge? You can go online and find your public library for any book that you want to read. Then, you can actually book your book online and then pick the library the next day. If your local library is a not the book you are looking for, you can do a search on all the different branches of your local library and they transferred book so that you don't go to go everywhere in town, look for your book.Almost all films and CDs of musique.Parfois lending libraries they will limit you the number you can check at any time, but really, how many films and CDs can listen at the same time? With this free service, you can go back and get additional movies and CD as often as you want.

Did you also know that libraries have computers that you use? It is a wonderful benefit for persons who do not have a computer. You can surf the web whenever you want or send your curriculum vitae ' If you're hunting for employment, all for free.

Instead of an expensive magazine subscription or buy on a weekly or monthly basis monthly on newsstands in local newspapers, visit your local library. They do not have most current and popular magazines and newspapers on their shelves so that you can verify their, read and then return, instead of throwing them out in your trash can be delivered to your local landfill. You can even use Copier library (for a small fee) to make copies of receipts or items that you want to keep.

Use the library to save money

Libraries you can save hundreds of dollars on an annual basis.Instead of purchasing and subscribing to a large number of magazines and newspapers and purchase CDs and movies, you can simply check the fate of the library free of charge.You never subscribed to a magazine and then never read you it? it is a real waste of money check out of the library and then if you don't get it, return it.Some libraries now even ready games for your gaming machine.This is a real money saver.You can view this great game, he discovered and then return and get another.None spend more money on the games and have then collect dust on your platform.

A library in your hand.

There are some books that you wish to purchase so that you can read the many and maintes.Si you want to keep some books at home, consider buying a electronique.De drive this way, your books will be uploaded to your drive and most of them will cost only $9.99 purposesyou have much less clutter in your home and you is projecting many devices decharge.Ces paper pay for themselves at any time if you have some books that you want to keep to designate souvent.Ils can all be stored in the drive.

As I said at the beginning of this article, if you use the library, you can earn a lot of money .Prochaine time instead of at your local newsstand or bookstore, discover that your library has to offer .c ' is all free!

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Wind power home - how to use wind energy in your home

You're a wind energy system? If enough wind comes on your property, it is interesting to use it, but not all regions of the country get enough wind wind generators make a realistic option. Before using the wind as an energy source, it is a good idea to find an accessor site experience.

He is also a good idea to consult your neighbours who already have wind generators and get their advice about what option of wind power will be a success for you.

Your neighbors may have a system of wind energy successfully but when they started to they may have wasted much money and time looking for a system that would give them the great avantage.Deuxiemement it is important to remember that generate power from the wind is expensive and you must work if it is economically viable.

Is it really worth installing such a system?

In most cases, it is an option.A generator of wind in your back yard is a good idea, especially if you want to make an environmental difference cutting on your use of existing systems of fuels fossiles.Toutefois, greater reason people choose wind energy systems is to save huge amounts of money by having a lower electricity bill and if properly promoted you cannot have a power-law project at all.

It really depends your wind resource, tower height, size of the turbine, utility rates and how well your system is concu.Il is wanting to install a wind energy system to save on electricity costs and well to environnementale.Mais if you have enough available land there is no sense to install the system.

Look at your land before you choose any system of .Lorsqu ' thought this kind of system - generator of wind (or turbine) is the main piece of equipment that will use you .the ' American Wind Energy Association says the economy of the purchase of this kind of system makes sense when the mean wind speed is less than 10 mph and costs to the utility at least 10 cents the kilowatt hour.

Because most residential wind generators are bound to a grid, when not enough wind is available, the additional power comes from the utility and actually an expensive option below to have a constant amount of wind breath.

More often than otherwise, you will find the wind power production many choices but I must warn you that until use you it, you should consider given securite.Etant systems have more dangers that other renewable energy systems, it is important that a professional installs your system until you think about using their.

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To operate solar

From a young age, a child comes to appreciate the warmth of the Sun's rays. He or she develops as a basic understanding of solar energy. Introduction of the solar panel helped adults achieve an efficient transfer of energy from the Sun.

Thermal use of the power of nature took place in three different ways. For centuries, mankind has used Sun for heating water and limited amounts of air.More recently, human received benefits related to PV using the powerful nature and warm rayons.Une third way to use the power of the Sun has been described as "passive".

A growing number of architects chose to use this method of tiers.Ils design buildings that maximize capacity building to receive and use rays of nature. They provide for the introduction of lots of Windows, with incorporation of any important signs.

These panels allow a photovoltaic solar energy use.They trap the Sun's rays and use to create a stream of electrons some houses, they are part of a grid-tie system. Other houses, they are linked to the battery charging system.In both cases, they help keep the electrons flowing into the home electrical outlets.

However, photovoltaic (PV) solar energy use has not been limited to inclusion of panels in private dwellings.It included their incorporation in systems, such as those that facilitate the smooth flow of signalisation.Dans the same time, it provided the captains with more reliable buoys and lighthouses which depend to an external source of electricity.

Engineers who design buildings like the value of signage PV.Ils can feed the warning devices, such as those that development on a bridge or another structure important of society signal.La corrosive damage has seen how the performance of such devices can save lives.

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The value of the use of green products

"You get what you pay" is not just a marketing term. When you compare hidden market good products versus more expensive costs of quality products, you will see the value do not choose the single price products.

Let's say that you should replace your old living room carpet. The flooring market is huge, and you should do some serious shopping before you decide.The first decision must be of the type of soil, you'll utiliser.Si you are replacing old carpets for the new carpets be cautious what you buy.

My recommendation is to buy only mats made from natural materials and without harmful chemicals.I've heard for years that had to move out of their homes when they put the new synthetic carpet because they have become dangerously ill clients.Perhaps that has never happened to you, but why put you in the position to be exposed to chemicals that have been proven dangereux.Pour soup expose you deliberately to health risks, is that there are serious consequences now or in the future if you have children or pets who spend much more time on the floor, synthetic carpets are more dangerous.

Formaldehyde, toluene, xylene, styrene, benzene, 4-phenylcyclohexene and methyl-benzene, called "volatile organic compounds" (VOC), are some of the toxic substances that are known to be used in synthetic carpets.

You can avoid this mess by buying carpets or other flooring which lacks these chemicals.And Yes, you will pay plus.La reason many carpet market is cheap is directly linked to the fact that synthetic ingredients are cheaper to produire.Et you'll replace this cheap rug much earlier than a non-toxic quality carpets.

Long-term non-toxic wool carpet, for example, be cheap synthetic carpet to survive and protect your family from exposure to hazardous chemicals dangereux.Une once more, if amortize you the costs over time, that you will enjoy your non-toxic carpet, to purchase and redemption things good market, the difference is cents per day.

This is the value the peace of mind and shopping smart all rolled one.

Tom is the owner of, "small" box store that offers green paints, stains and coatings, flooring, lighting, beds and bedding, supplies, gardens and the exterior, air filtration systems and water and many other products nettoyage.Penser outside of the big box.

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